Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Boston for Christmas

A very Merry Christmas was spent in Boston at the home of the Zeisse family.

A sumptious Christmas Eve feast for 15 was spearheaded by the magical, Carrie! Magical, because she arranged the incredible flowers, picked the decadent menu, got all the fixin's and made it all come together.  The Huus' helped with some cookin' and some plating to make the food get to the table on Carrie's timeline.  All in all, a brilliant dinner.

Imagine the plates filled with:

-arugula salad
-beef tenderloin w/ au jus
-roast new potatoes
-two kinds of green beans
-polenta with sauteed shitakes, parm and parsley

Ava, didn't know quite where to start upon seeing the tree Christmas morning.  But she figured it out right quick.

My time in Boston was much too quick.  But as times go, so happy and full!

Good-Bye Brunch

Before I go any further forward I have to go back for a moment and post some of my favorite pictures that I have just downloaded from my camera.

This takes us back to Dec. 19th. The morning of my "Goodbye Brunch":

Some Dancing Friends: Judy, Carl and Rachel


<--- Bobby and Andy hanging out

 <--- Nancy Hill and me. This woman is such an inspiration!

I love this girl! Gonna miss my KP lunchdates ---->

Right: Kate, Lizzy and Mikey chillin' (mmm, biscuits and sausage gravy)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Leaving Portland

I left Portland last Thursday, Christmas Eve.

Shutting the door to my blessed apartment, I will miss it soooooo.

This is the handy-dandy pen/iPod holder that mom made, it is velcro-ed to my dashboard. I love velcro.

This is the starting mileage:

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Good morning and merry Christmas from the 18th floor of the Radisson in Boston.

Headed back over to Brook, Carrie and Ava's for Christmas morning and bagels, lox and coffee.

- Posted from the road

Location:Charles St S,Boston,United States

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ready, set, go

So much to do before heading down to Boston. I need to just keep moving. Keep plodding. Get 'er done. But I feel like this:

And my room looks like this:

Okay must finish. Love to all y'all as I head out!

- Posted from my bedroom as I try to pack up this junk

Location:Mellen St,Portland,United States

Friday, December 18, 2009

First Leg

My Departure Date is quickly approaching!  I've google mapped out the first leg of the trip. 

View Larger Map

I know I'll be in Nashville for New Year's Eve... but I'm not positive where I'll/we'll be staying yet... BUT, I just got news that Rob will be joining me on New Year's Eve!  I'm so excited to spend New Year's with my sweetheart. Yay!

In other news, my roommate Aubrey graduated from her documentary semester at Salt today.  The opening last night at the gallery was fantastic and I recommend all of you go check out their beautiful, moving, gritty, heart-warming work.

I'm hosting a "Good-bye Brunch" here at my apartment tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to the confluence of people that will surely ensue.  I have friends from many of my different worlds converging over a smorgasbord of breakfasty items (my favorite meal!) Portland friends, Fair friends, Dancing friends, Union Brothers, Roommates, oh my!  I can't wait!

I still haven't figured out the video aspect of blogging, I apologize.  I'll get there.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Trash Percussion

This post serves as my video upload test. I spent much time yesterday trying to figure out how in the world to upload video, taken with the iPhone, and share it with the world at large.

This clip is some early morning percussion. Witnessed on my walk home from a yummy Marcy's breakfast with Corey. The warm morning sun was doing it's job of melting the ice from the night before:

- Posted from my kitchen table

Apparently, I haven't quite mastered video uploading yet. FAIL.  dammit!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Doghair marsh

Alicia and I took a hike thru Stroudwater the other day and among conversation and taking the path less traveled came across many a marsh that looked like dog hair magnified.

I felt like a flea hopping along a dog's spine as I went tripping thru the tall grass.

~ posted from the road

Monday, December 7, 2009

Falkor, my personal luck dragon

My little Ford Escort has been christened: Falkor (thank you Rob). The idea is that she will be my luck dragon and carry my safely around the United States and home again.

At Corey's behest (and because I'm a little crazy and it seemed like a good idea at the time) I've stenciled bubble gum pink scales all over her. With Katie, Corey, Kate, Rob and Betsy's help we protected the windows and made Falkor stand out beautifully.

I've poured a lot of money into my little car. Putting her in top working condition. Brakes are good, engine's checked, tires rotated, thermostat replaced, new tie rods, alignment. She's never driven this well before (at least not since I've had her).

Mom and I made inside curtains for Falkor, fitted out with Velcro so a modicum of personal, private space can be had inside the car. My own private refuge. Thank you Shane for the front windshield visor screen!

Before (observe Claire, ready to go!)

Today Claire and I drove thru the car wash! Which was a ride in and of itself!


Sparkling in the driveway.

As soon as I have all the curtains done I'll show ya.


Hey All,

The time is close at hand for me to be flying off in my little white ford escort for three months of exploring the United states. 

This will be my trip blog for keeping you all updated on my findings and encounters with the world.

I have three main goals to the expedition:

1. Research the United States Hosteling system.  Interview hostel owners and try to gleen from their business plans what has succeeded and what needs improvement; in order to form/inform my own business plan.

2. To visit my far flung friends; because there's nothing quite like seeing someone in the element where they live.  So Ariel in Winter Park, FL, Meghan and Erik in L.A., CA; Megan, Jill, Amy and Tim in Denver, CO; Colin in Bend, OR; Ashley in Tempe, AZ; Aubrey in Flagstaff, AZ; Emma and Family in Seattle, WA; Meaghan, George and Eva in Portland, OR; Marika in Toronto; ADD TO MY LIST!!!!  I'm planning on posting my maps as I go, if I get close to you, or someone you know who I should meet: Let me know!

3. To see our amazing expansive country!  I met so many world travelers this year in Central America who had been places in the U.S. that I hadn't and it made me think that I better get my act together and see more of what my own country has to offer. 

Mission: to make the world expand and shrink all at once.